Snowblower Reportedly Shatters 450K Glass Panel At NYC’s Apple Store

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

It snowed in New York City yesterday, in case you hadn’t heard. And in what appears to resemble many of the iPhone screens displayed by various friends and others in the past, a glass panel that’s part of Apple’s cube store on 5th Avenue in Manhattan was apparently shattered by a snowblower blowing too close.

Over at, witnesses have reported that a snowblower accidentally bumped the store while dealing with yesterday’s onslaught. Buzzfeed says an Apple employee confirmed that a snowblower is to blame as well.

One of the store’s 15 panels looks like it’s cracked to holy heck, but is still standing. That could cost about $450,000 to fix (excluding labor costs), the site estimates.

The store is still open despite the cracked panel, and will likely stay that way if the panel is deemed secure enough to ensure visitors’ safety. Hope Apple opted for the extended coverage option or it’s looking at a whole new phone — er, glass panel.

$450K panel of glass at Apple’s iconic 5th Avenue ‘Cube’ store shattered by snowblower []


by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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