Hewlett Packard Dell and Acer Android Focus on Windows 8

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Hewlett-Packard, Acer dan Dell Alihkan Fokus Dari Android ke Windows 8

DigiTimes sources of the upstream supply chain said that PC vendors leading began to move their funds into research and development that were previously focused on the Android platform to move to the Windows platform 8 . The focus is not limited in the products of tablets, but also other products based on Windows 8.

As part of Microsofts plans to invest $ 300 million to one of the newest subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, DigiTimes sources are then pointed out that Microsoft has been increasingly aggressive in its efforts to lessen their delay in mobile applications. On the investment should also be able to bridge ecosystem between the PC, Tablet PC  and smartphones, as well as to encourage designers and developers to focus their attention and develop more applications for Windows 8.

Coupled with weak demand for Android tablet, it is finally determined from Hewlett-Packard (HP), Acer and Dell to quickly shift focus their products on the Windows platform 8. The three companies also deploy their software development teams to develop other applications in Windows 8.

Does this mark the end of the Android era or just a momentary sensation just before the launch of Windows 8?

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